An article is a quantitative expression of a position, i.e. a specific equipment with its own unique identification number.
Example: The JBL SRX112 speaker system is a Catalog Item (Equipment). It can be added to the estimate, it costs 3000 rubles. It has dimensions, weight, which help with project planning. An article is a concrete material object. If you have four such speakers in stock, then you have four articles.
To create Articles for Equipment, select the position you need in the catalog tree or double-click in the workspace in the center of the screen. Above the workspace there will be an icon "add quantity" - a barcode with a "+" icon. When you click on the icon, a dialog box for adding articles will appear.
In the Quantity field, specify the quantity you want to add.
In the Purchase field, you can specify the date and cost of the purchase of this Equipment.
From the Warehouse drop-down list, you can select your warehouse where these articles will be stored.
The parameters can be set manually (they will be put down for all created articles), you can copy from the Position parameters, or copy from the last filled article.
After clicking the Add button in the dialog box, the specified number of Articles will appear in the catalog, their numbers will be generated by the system, but they can be changed in the Article menu. The number of Items for which you have created Articles will also change.