Table mode

Clicking on the symbol will switch the "Movement of SKUs" block to the "Table" mode:


In this mode, more data becomes available to us than in the form of "Kanban". For example, additional columns appear in the "Table" – "Weight" and "Volume".

In addition, in this mode, the warehouse employee has the opportunity to filter items, as well as search among them. To do this, there is a field for filtering in the header of each column of the table – by entering keywords in this area, we can filter the contents of the table by them.



It is also possible to filter table rows by a number of parameters that are not shown in it. For example, let's consider filtering by articles belonging to a particular set.

1) On the right at the top of the "Movement of articles" block there is an icon for entering the warehouse display area.


If you click on it, the following window will appear:


2) Change the contents of the "Kits" line from the value "hide" to "show".


3) After clicking on the "Save" button, we see that an additional column "Set" appeared on the left in the table.


In its header, as in the caps of all other columns, there is a field for entering keywords. Accordingly, filtering by kit name becomes available.


Similarly to filtering by kit membership, the contents of the "Movement of articles" block can also be filtered by the names of the cost sheets (in paragraph 2, the line "Tabs"), by the names of various compositions (in paragraph 2, the line "Compositions"), and by the names of warehouses (if you have several warehouses at your disposal)(in paragraph 2, the line "Warehouse").