When you click on "Export", the catalog is automatically unloaded in Excel format.
On the import page, you can download Excel file templates, in which the first lines are filled in for example.
There are two types of imports. If you use SKUs, i.e. you keep individual records of equipment, then you need to download the template "Sample template (each SKU)", in which you specify the parameters of the SKUs of your equipment.
If you do not use SKUs, i.e. you only keep count of the quantity, then download the template "Sample template (qty only)". In this case, you will just need to specify the total amount of this or that equipment in the corresponding column, and the system itself will generate SKUs for the specified amount when importing.
After filling in the template, attach the file in the left window and specify which operation is being performed – the import of SKUs or only quantities.
Note that the import does not overwrite the directory lines, but only adds new ones from the attached file.
Tutorial video on the topic: