In Kanban mode, the "Movement of SKUs" looks like this:
The entire block space is divided into large rectangles – status fields. Within each such field, the inventory list items with the same status are grouped. The names of the statuses are placed above each field on the right.
You set the number of statuses (and, accordingly, their fields) and their names yourself, taking into account the specifics of your warehouse structure and the convenience of work. We recommend creating and configuring them in such a way as to cover all the main stages of your warehouses' participation in the work on the project. Examples of possible field names: "reached the shipping area", "loaded into the car", or "returned to the warehouse", etc.
In the header of each status field, to the left of its name, there are action icons with the positions of the equipment that are in it.
At the initial stage, your staff searches the warehouse and puts together the equipment listed in the inventory list. If at the same time they fail to find a device corresponding to some of its position, this position is assigned the value "mark as lost" (in the checkbox of the corresponding line, we check the box, and then click on the icon). If it is found that some device is damaged, its position is assigned the value "mark as defective" (put a check mark in the checkbox of the line with the device data, and then click on the symbol). After that, information about the loss or damage of the equipment will be displayed in your catalog.