
Statuses estimate, Statuses specification, Statuses warehouse

In these blocks of this section of settings, estimates, specifications and warehouse statuses are created and named, which will be applied in the future in your company's projects.

In addition, the links between these statuses are configured here.


Setting up the timeline

This section concerns the "Planning" section of each project of your company. Here, if necessary, you can divide the project timelines into several typical periods corresponding to the main phases of the event (for example, "Collection", "Loading", "Installation", "Dismantling", etc.).

After making these settings and clicking on the "Save" button (upper left part of the window), the timelines of all new projects will be divided into similar periods by default.


General settings (take effect after logging out)

If you check the box "Confirmation of deletion of a position in the estimate" and click "Save", then in the future you will avoid accidental changes in the "Estimate" section of any of your company's projects. Now, when working with the estimate, after each deletion of an item, you will be shown a message asking you to confirm this action.

If you tick the checkbox "Fixed size of the estimate window with scroll", when scrolling up or down the estimate window, the part of the screen where the catalog items are located will remain stationary.