This menu item pertains to the inventory audit procedure, i.e., the physical assessment of equipment conducted by your warehouse staff. The results of each such check will be stored here in the "Inventory audit" section as reports, which you can review at any time and, if needed, export to Excel files.
As the first step of inventory audit, select its type:
1) Full – the entire catalog will be included in the check
2) Selective – you can designate specific equipment as inventory items by selecting them with checkboxes in the catalog's tree structure
Next, click the "Create" button to go to the inventory process page. Here, as each piece of equipment is inspected, your warehouse staff sorts data on all items into four categories: "In. stock," "On hold," "To write-off," "To delete".
In the upper-right corner of this page, there is also a button to download the inspection results as an xls file.
When the inspection process is complete, click the "Finish" button (also located in the upper-right corner of the window, next to the "Download (xls)" button.