"Catalog" Database

Catalog – your main database. This section of the GOLOVA interface can be accessed via: Home Page/Main Menu/Databases/Catalog. It stores information about your company’s technical equipment, provided services, their costs, and much more.

Catalog Tree – the left-hand side of the "Catalog" section page. It displays (and allows editing with appropriate permissions) the company’s catalog structure in a tree format: sections, subsections, entries, and SKUs.

Catalog Workspace – the central part of the "Catalog" section page. It displays the contents of the element currently selected in the catalog tree.

Card Area – the right-hand side of the "Catalog" section page. When a specific entry is selected in the catalog workspace (the central part of the section’s window), its entry card becomes available on the right side (the card area). It contains: the entry’s name, rental price, available quantity, project scheduling calendar, etc. Any employee with the appropriate access rights can view and edit the data stored in the card.

If an SKU is selected instead of an entry in the catalog workspace, the card area displays the selected SKU’s card. It contains: SKU number, serial number, status change history, storage location, etc.

Catalog Top Menu – the menu located in the upper-right corner above the catalog, displayed in blue font. It provides access to pages related to SKUs’ statuses ("Lost," "Faulty," etc.), several catalog-related functional databases ("Service Centers," "Warehouses," etc.), import/export interfaces, label and price list creation tools, warehouse inventory management, and flexible catalog pricing settings.

Catalog Sections – root folders in the catalog tree. They correspond to the main types of services or technical equipment that your company provides to clients. Each catalog section can contain multiple subsections. Examples: "Audio Equipment," "Stage Equipment," "Stage Personnel," etc.

Catalog Subsections – folders located within catalog sections. They logically correspond to more specific types of equipment/services derived from the main types. Each subsection can contain several next-level subsections or its own set of catalog entries. Examples: "Power Amplifiers" (in the "Audio Equipment" section), "Suspended Stage Structures" (in the "Stage Equipment" section), etc.

Entry – essentially a folder, similar to a catalog section or subsection, but without containing other folders. Different types of entries include: physical objects ("Equipment" type entries), groups of physical objects ("Consumable," "Accessories," or "Kit" type entries), intangible objects ("Service" type entry), and combinations of different entry types ("Kit" type). An entry is the only element in the catalog that is assigned a price. You operate with entries when preparing a price list or a commercial proposal for a client. Examples: "L-Acoustics LA8 Power Amplifier," "Pioneer CDJ 2000MXS DJ Player," "Sound Engineer," "Medium Party Kit," etc.

SKU – a concept used in the GOLOVA system to designate a specific physical object. An SKU is the material representation of an entry (except for "Service" type entries, where SKUs are not applicable). In "Accessories," "Consumable," and "Kit" type entries, one SKU implies a group of objects rather than a single one. Operating SKUs is essential for the "Warehouse" and "Specification" sections of any project. Each SKU is assigned a unique identification number—SKU number.

Equipment – a type of catalog entry corresponding to physical objects, each accounted for individually. Typically, this type includes professional devices. Equipment is represented by a box icon. Each individual device of this type has a unique SKU number. Examples: "JBL SRX112 Audio System," "L'Acoustics LA8 Amplifier," "RED V-RAPTOR 8K Camera," etc.

Service – a type of catalog entry corresponding to intangible objects, referring to various professional tasks performed by your company's personnel when executing a client project. Services are represented by a wrench icon. Examples: "Technician," "Sound Engineer," "Loading/Unloading," "Delivery," "Video Operator (8-hour shift)," etc.

Accessories – a type of catalog entry corresponding to physical objects that are not accounted for individually. These are accessories accompanying the main device. Unlike the "Equipment" type, where each object has a separate SKU, accessories can have one SKU for any quantity of objects. Examples: "Layher O-Ledger," "XLR-XLR 5m Cable," "Two-Channel Cable Trap," etc.

Consumable – catalog entries corresponding to physical objects that will be consumed during the project execution. Consumables are not returned to the warehouse after project completion. This entry type is represented by a barrel icon. Examples: "AA Batteries," "Wide Tape," "Glycerin for Smoke Machines," "30cm Cable Ties," etc.

Kit – this type includes catalog entries composed of entries from different types. SKUs cannot be added to a kit—only entries. The "Kit" type is represented by an icon of two boxes. Examples: "DJ Kit" (includes: "DJ Player" x2, "DJ Mixer" x1, "2RCA M/M 2m Cable" x2, "Power Cord" x3), "Shure BLX24/SM58 Wireless Microphone" (includes: "SM58 Wireless Microphone" x1, "BLX4 Receiver" x1, "Microphone Case" x1, "AA Batteries" x2), etc.